Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Imperial Aspect of Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness...

Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness is the tale of Charlie Marlow, a sailor whose journey is through the African Congo in search of ivory; however, the story is told on a boat at the mouth of the Thames River. The protagonist in Heart of Darkness not only tells the story of his journey through the African Congo, but also personifies the European imperial attitude at the time of the novellas release in 1902. Conrad uses Marlow, Kurtz and the listeners aboard the Nellie as advocates; of a free and independent world while he uses the villainous manager and the immaculately- dressed, workaholic accountant to represent the majority of Europeans who, at the time, favored overseas expansionism. Imperialism is the central focus of the novella†¦show more content†¦Marlow thinks that conquering; the jungle for all its ivory is an arduous task after seeing a battleship fire its guns at the civilians. It was as if the tiny battleship was firing at the vast continent of Africa rather than t he people. Conrad uses this metaphor to associate European thinking with imperialism. Unfortunately, Europeans, with the exception of Marlow, Kurtz and perhaps a few others, were primarily concerned with getting land- survival of the civilians was expendable on the continent. In Part II, a group of explorers called the Eldorado Exploring Exposition led by the managers uncle come to the Congo. Marlow expresses his thoughts on the missions evil intention by saying that these sordid buccaneers; were only after the riches of the continent and not concerned with the natives: amp;#8230; it was reckless without hardihood, greedy without audacity, and cruel without courage; there was not an atom of foresight or of serious intention in the whole batch of them, and they did not seem aware these things are wanted for the work of the world. To tear treasure out of the bowels of the land was their desire, with no more moral purpose at the back of it than there is in burglars breaking into a safe. Who paid the expenses of the noble enterprise I dont know; but the uncle of our manager was the leader ofShow MoreRelatedEssay on Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness1276 Words   |  6 PagesIn the present era of decolonization, Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness presents one of fictions strongest accounts of British imperialism. Conrad’s attitude towards imperialism and race has been the subject of much literary and historical debate. Many literary critics view Conrad as accepting blindly the arrogant attitude of the white male European and condemn Conrad to be a racist and imperialists. 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It is therefore true to say that the primary concern of most post-colonial African novelistsRead More Colonialism and Imperialism - A Post-colonial Study of Heart of Darkness3270 Words   |  14 PagesA Post-colonial Study of Heart of Darkness         Ã‚  In this paper, Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness will be examined by using a recent movement, Post-colonial Study that mainly focuses on the relationship between the Self and the Other, always intertwined together in considering one’ identity.  Ã‚   The Other is commonly identified with the margin, which has been oppressed or ignored by Eurocentric, male-dominated history.  Ã‚   Conrad is also conscious of the Others interrelated status with the SelfRead MoreAnalysis Of Joseph Conrad s Heart Of Darkness1250 Words   |  5 Pages Written in 1902, Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness follows the character Marlow in his journey up the Congo River to find the mysterious Kurtz, an ivory trader. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Human Quality Of Obedience - 1326 Words

The use of deception in research has been an ongoing controversial debate in the study of Psychology. The method looks to extract and analyze data with the help of human subjects/participants; however, the subject is given false information about the task or objective that the study wishes to discover. Although the word deception may sound malicious and immoral, the purpose of a deceptive method when conducting researches attempts to make significant contributions to the scientific field being studied. One of the articles that will be discussed in this paper is an experiment that was conducted by a man named Stanley Milgram in 1963 that studied the human quality of obedience and its ability to become destructive. The other article that this paper also looks at is a research that determines the psychological impacts of deception in a psychological research. The latter further looks upon ethical components that is associated with the research. With deceptive research still capable of c reating risks, is it time to allow researchers to utilize Milgram’s research method in order to further increase our understanding of obedience? This paper looks to prove that the use of deception in research studies should be utilised, since the results of the experiment can be extremely useful. Even though risks may rise from the experiment, they can be greatly alleviated. As it was mentioned before, the first article that this paper looks into is an experiment conducted by Stanley Milgram.Show MoreRelatedObedience Essay1044 Words   |  5 PagesEnglish 1310-04 28 October 2011 Obedience as an act can be traced back to the very beginnings of human history. The common belief has always been to obey authority at all cost. This act has never been questioned because authority corresponds to the common belief that respecting authority and obeying them will lead you to success in all aspects of life. Obedience is not defined to specific situations and its context can be portrayed in various ways. For example, Erich Fromm writes in his essay,Read MoreMilgram s Theory Of Obedience Experiments1133 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Stanley Milgram was a Yale psychologist that is famous for conducting the obedience experiments in 1961. Milgram had conducted a series of experiments during the 1960s that were related to obedience. The results of these experiments had demonstrated a disturbing yet powerful view into the power of authority that can exert from it some sort of obedience. Milgram’s experimentation had begun in 1961 after the trail of Adolph Eichmann has started slightly after World War II. Milgram wasRead MoreBible - Role of Abraham1638 Words   |  7 Pages He is chosen for this crucial position because he already possesses all the qualities God desires for his people. God says of Abraham, For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment. Thus, a study of Abraham#8217;s character is a study of the Hebrew people#8217;s character, and, ultimately, a study of the qualities God desires for all peop le. At the time of Abraham, the world appears to beRead MoreThe Allegory Animal Farm By George Orwell1273 Words   |  6 PagesManor Farm are ruled by a tyrannical farmer named Jones, who murders chickens and gives the animals minimal rations. Due to the atrocities and a prophecy foretold by Old Major, a wise, old respected pig, about full independence from humans, the animals drive out their human oppressors and form an animal republic. However, the evil pigs start to take control with a supreme leader called Napoleon, who uses his subordinate, Squealer, to convince the animals that his actions are the preeminent and the mostRead More Bible - Role Of Abraham Essay1579 Words   |  7 Pageschosen for this crucial position because he already possesses all the qualities God desires for his people. God says of Abraham, quot;For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgmentquot;. Thus, a stud y of Abrahamamp;#8217;s character is a study of the Hebrew peopleamp;#8217;s character, and, ultimately, a study of the qualities God desires for all people. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;At the timeRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography On Obedience And Authority Essay1358 Words   |  6 Pagesof â€Å"Obedience to Authority,† Milgram aptly points out that â€Å"some system of authority is a requirement of all communal living†(Milgram 1). This is a universal human truth. Authority is something that humanity, from the beginning of time, has consistently relied upon. Milgram argues that â€Å"obedience is the psychological mechanism that links individual action to political purpose† and that it is the â€Å"dispositional cement that binds men to systems of authority† (Milgram 1). I argue that obedience is asRead MoreStanley Milgram s Study On The Perspective Of Humanity1081 Words   |  5 Pagesan experiment that would alter our perspective of humanity. Stanley Milgram was studying obedience following WWII. With a Jewish background and an education in social psychology, he wanted to explore the obedience of German people. He thought the atrocities committed during WWII could be attributed to a highly obedient country and culture. Milgram would soon come to realize obedience is an integral part of human nature. Milgram theorized that if a person was asked to shock another person within anRead MoreA Brief Summary of Milgrams Seminal Research on Obedience to Authority1016 Words   |  5 Pagesintentional mistreatment of others (Berkowitz, 1999). Because of the fields situationistic perspective emphasizing the individuals susceptibility to the power of the immediate situation, social psychologists generally view the fairly high levels of obedience to authority displayed in Milgrams classic experiment as the paradigmatic example of evil behavior (Berkowitz, 1999). Reading about the work of Ross and Nisbett, 1991 (as cited in Berkowitz, 1999, p. 247) stated that â€Å"social psychologists, byRead MoreCustomer Service And Employee Satisfaction1604 Words   |  7 PagesGood leadership is a key characteristic associated with business in today’s society. It can be said that good leadership directly relates to the quality of business. Meaning that the better the leadership, the better the business. Quality leadership one of the major keys of developing good customer service and employee satisfaction. Considering obedience defines whether we obey or disobey the authority, many individuals today have no choice but to obey. Leaders of businesses are far along being autocraticRead MoreGender Stereotypes in Little Red Cap and The Grandmother1052 Words   |  5 Pageslikes her is because she is considered â€Å"sweet.† The implication of this construct is that being â€Å"sweet,† and its assumed manifestations - the act of politeness, agreeability, well-mannered, etc. - is a highly regarded and socially defined feminine quality that leads to social acceptance, which is an inherently good thing and should be naturalized within the reader. In the Millien version of the story the narrator does not ever describe the young girl. The majority of the story is reiterated through

Friday, December 13, 2019

Texas Gladiators Case Free Essays

teThe Texas Gladiators Apparel Store The Texas Gladiators won the Super Bowl last year. As a result, sportswear such as hats, sweatshirts, sweatpants, and jackets with the Gladiator’s logo are popular. The Gladiators operate an apparel store outside the football stadium. We will write a custom essay sample on Texas Gladiators Case or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is near a busy highway, so the store has heavy customer traffic throughout the year, not just on game days. In addition, the stadium has high school or college football and soccer games almost every week in the fall, and baseball games in the spring and summer. The most popular single item the stadium store sells is a red and silver baseball style cap with the Gladiators’ logo on it. The cap has an elastic headband inside it, which conforms to different head sizes. However, the store has had a difficult time keeping the cap in stock, especially during the time between the placement and receipt of an order. Often customers come to the store just for the hat; when it is not in stock, customers are upset, and the store management believes they tend to go to other competing stores to purchase their Gladiators’ clothing. To rectify this problem, the store manager, Jessica James, would like to develop an inventory control policy that would ensure that customers would be able to purchase the cap 99% of the time they asked for it. Jessica has accumulated some demand data for the cap for a 30-week period. The data is shown below. (Demand includes actual sales plus a record of the times a cap has been requested but not available and an estimate of the number of times a customer wanted a cap when it was not available but did not ask for it. ) The store purchases the hats from a small manufacturing company in Jamaica. The shipments from Jamaica are erratic, with a lead time of 20 days. Questions: 1. In the past, Ms. James has placed an order whenever the stock got down to 150 caps. What level of service does this reorder point correspond to? 2. What would the reorder point and safety stock need to be to achieve the desired service level (99%)? 3. Discuss how Jessica James might determine the order size of caps and what additional, if any, information would be needed to determine the order size. 4. Base Case: Suppose that the carrying cost is $6/unit/year and ordering cost is $200/order. Assume that there are 52 weeks in a year. For this base case, compute an optimal order quantity, average inventory (when service level is 99%), annual number of orders, total inventory costs, and cycle time. 5. For the base case, construct a graph showing how annual carrying cost, ordering cost, and total cost changes due to the changes in order quantity. 6. Sensitivity Analysis: Construct table(s) and/or graph(s) that show how the optimal order quantity and total inventory costs change when (a) carrying cost varies from $4 to $8/unit/year and (b) ordering cost varies from $150 to $250/order. How to cite Texas Gladiators Case, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Carrefour china case free essay sample

In 1995, Carrefour entered China, with its first store opening in Beijing. By June 2006 the company was operating 73 hypermarkets in 29 Chinese cities and it was the number one foreign retailer in China having the fastest growing rate among its competitors [1]. The company planned to open 100 new stores in 2006-07 because the competition had recently stepped up. As competitors try to take the biggest share of pie, all brands of markets are forced to show their difference from the others in order to attract potential customers. Therefore, David Monaco, asset and construction director of Carrefour China, plans to open its first â€Å"Green Store† in Beijing before 2008 Olympic Games [1]. The Green Store was a new concept which indicates application of environmentally friendly processes during building and operating the market. Establishing a green store will not only provide sustainability through waste reduction but also decrease costs of the company. Furthermore, green store will be a good way of advertisement for attracting potential customers during Olympic Games. Monaco believes that it will increase their sales by 30%. However, since green store is a new concept for China, Monaco faced with some problems during effectuating the project [1]. II. PROBLEM DEFINITION Main problem can be defined as the lack of strategy for effectuating the  green store project. There is not a certain task to follow steps and construct green store buildings. Besides the main problem there are some sub-problems which slow down the application of green store project. These problems can be defined as follows: People: Building a hypermarket is challenging but operating a retail system is even more difficult. Chinese people do not take care of the equipment and this causes reduction of lifetime of equipment and cause additional maintenance cost for the company. Decision of store managers: Although a corporate guideline set the overall store design, the store managers often use their own ideas and creative ambitions and this cause lack of standard among markets. As there are different standards among Carrefour markets, Monaco have difficulties in preparing a task for determining what is â€Å"green† really mean to Carrefour Company. Furthermore, the internal com petitions among store managers make them to recover any additional costs. Unfortunately, the store managers’ perceptions often do not match reality, most items that are cut by investment adjustments are crucial for operations. Wrong decisions of managers cause additional operation costs. Since the effects of these wrong decisions can be observed in the long term managers often ignore the problem. Lack of international companies: Especially during 1990’s this was an important problem for Carrefour. As most international companies did not enter China market Carrefour were having difficulties about finding trusted suppliers and also suppliers that provide what Carrefour expects. Working with local, unfamiliar suppliers causes delayed openings and escalated costs. Climate of China / Frequent power shortages: The hot and humid summers and the cold and dry winters were wearing hard on the equipment. In addition, frequent power shortages cause frequent equipment breakdowns and thus less lifetime. III.CRITERIA A. Sustainability Our criterion is sustainability, which means able to continue over a period of time. We have root and series problems so we need to find sustainable solutions, which are better than cheap temporary, because the sustainable ones provides saving money and time in a long term. B. Cost Effectiveness Our last and inevitable criterion is cost effectiveness, which means the  price paid to acquire, produce, accomplish or maintain anything. We can find all kinds of solutions but if we have limited financial sources or the solution is extremely expensive than its wealth, we cannot implement the solution. Also, the companies’ the main aim is profit so the criterion of cost effectiveness is inevitable in the business life. C. Advertisement Chance Advertising chance is the vital performance measure for the company because Olympic Games are so popular in the world. Millions of people join the organization and the popularity of Carrefour must be raise. Therefore, Carrefour suffers the scales in the company’s favor. IV. METHODOLOGY In the methodology part, in the light of the criteria we will suggest proposed solution and their evaluations. Firstly, the applicable solution for the firm is limited 2 years until Olympic Games to increase its own prestige, so firm should find applicable and effective solution in a limited time. If Carrefour gets the chance of applying green markets before its competitors, it will increase its own prestige. Namely, Chinese government can recognize the firm as a green retailer. This perception positively affects the reputation of firm. As a result, the first applier of green markets and increasing government recognition make a significant contribution to the reputation of firm. According to information given, Carrefour can open new green stores but we need to consider cost and time limitations. Another solution is that Carrefour can change its current store according to green strategy so it will be more sense able solution. Finally, Carrefour cannot do anything but it is the worst case for it because it will not get any reputation. V. ANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEM The target of the project can be defined as finishing the build of â€Å"Green Store† before 2008 Olympic Games. Monaco is in the realization that effectuating this project before Olympic Games will be a chance of advertisement of the company and also it will increase the sales by 30%. However, as mentioned in problem definition part, there are some barriers to achieve this target directly. Eliminating these problems and constructing  green store comprises the scope of the project. The scope of the project can be defined as follows: First of all the aim of the project is to open first Green Store in Beijing before 2008 Olympic games. However, the main problem is that there is no standard for what implies green and sustainable. The first step that Monaco should consider is to determine what green really mean to the company and the country. There is no doubt that Monaco cannot define â€Å"green† concept on his own. He should take some support from China government, institutes related with environmental issues and sustainability. Doing consultations with these bodies can led to compromise on a standard understanding of sustainability. Being the company that has decision maker role about sustainability understanding of the government can provide some advantages. For example, the company can the one step away from its competitors and can be leading actor in the market. That is why in order to define strategies of building green store sustainability understanding should be well defined and then internalized. As a second step the company should define its building deadlines such that the market can be opened before/due Olympic Games. While building the market it is important to take the costs into consideration. The cost of building should be minimized without compromising the quality and sustainability. If cost of building green store is higher than revenue that will be obtained then new alternatives or some setouts can be thought of. Monaco should conduct market research and analyze the disadvantages and advantages of the project. Furthermore, he should take the opportunities into account. As a third step assuming that the project is effectuated advertisement issues become important. If the company effectuates the project but does not have advertisement channels then it will be difficult to attract potential customers and increase the sales by 30%. Monaco should be in the realization that competitors will also try to attract customers and increase their sales. That is why Carrefour should take the support of media and the government. Attempts to show that Carrefour really tends to be sustainable will most probably attract the competent authority and thus the support will be gained. There are three alternative solutions for this case. Firstly they can open a green store in Beijing before the 2008 Olympic game and implement â€Å"green† practices throughout all stores in the future. Or they can not open a green store and rather only implement â€Å"green â€Å"parasites  throughout all stores (includes energy consumption savings). Lastly they do not go green; focus on other issues such as Operational and property ownership issues. However, all alternatives have positive and negative sides. For first alternative positive sides are below: Operational costs in the long run will be less making Carrefour less susceptible to increasing energy costs. This alternative has a strong positive impact on Brand image due to compliance with the green policies.†Ã¢â‚¬  Green washing and media hype will not be applicable anymore. If built before 2008 the Store will attract more customers due to upcoming events. A good start to test green technology for the 1st store and implement it for the rest of the stores. Negative sides: Green initiative will â€Å"freeze† acquisitions of properties for sometime. The cost of being green may outweigh the benefits in the short-term. The fact that the car for mosly works with foreign suppliers and imports green equipment will delay the opening of the first green store. Spare parts will not be available in a timely manner for proper maintenance and repairs. For the second alternative positive sides are below: Carrefour will not be bashed of â€Å"Green washing†. They save money on opening the green store which can be allocated to implement Green initiatives thought all others stores. They can focus on the green Strategy on all off Carrefour China and will reduce risk off being distracted by a single Green store launch. Negative sides: Media may create negative image for backing down from the Green Store construction. The initial green Store would provide itself as a â€Å"test opportunity† and a trailer of what all of Carrefour China will look like in the long term-wasted costs as substantial planning had already gone into the Green Store construction plan. For third alternative positive sides are below: Saves on investment and therefore frees funds that can be used for other  strategic initiative ROI may not be a high enough due to unexpected cost associated with green technology. Green technologies are not without drawbacks, they also bridge repairs and maintenance can be costly. Negative sides: These alternatives may go against perceptions about greener environment. Potential brand image damage will result in less number of sales. Chinese regulations may become very strict and Carrefour will not to be able to comply with them. If green technologies do prove themselves in terms of return of investment, Carrefour loses opportunity to save money. If competitors are go Green first, they made steal market share by improving brand image and reducing costs competitors and it will become challenging to regain market share.