Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Influence of Dcientific Management and Organization

Question: Discuss about the Influence of Dcientific Management and Organization. Answer: Introduction: Henry Ford along with Alexander Malcomson formed a car manufacturing company known as the The Ford Motor Company. The purpose of this business was to make cars with lesser cost by changing the method of production. Henry Ford was really impressed by the effectiveness theory of Fredrick Taylor (Uddin and Hossain 2015). The management theory of Taylor is based on the principle that productivity of individual workers can be increased by assigning them the tasks that are suitable to them and according to their capabilities and strengths. This efficiency can only be achieved by reducing unnecessary physical movement of the workers (Atiken. 2014). The concept of proper time management was first introduced to increase the productivity of the workers. This principle includes the following: The Introduction of new assembly line. Lowering the production time. Providing attractive packages for the employees. Time Saving Approach. The researcher thinks that in this modern era of business, workers from Australia, America and Europe will not accept the concept of Taylorism. The main reason behind this is the change of Technology. Moreover, nowadays, people are much more depended on machinery and modern tools and the participation of Individual Talent is very low (Asyali and Bastug 2014). The growth of automation has successfully limited the talent of individual workers. There is no perception of applying the theory in todays changing environment. Moreover, there are certain implications in the theory if applied currently (Uddin and Hossain 2015). It can be concluded that the application of the Taylorism Theory will be considered in some of the Call Centers to some extent but not completely to all of them. Since all the business operations of the Call Centers are generally divided into, different sectors and Call Centers are concentrating in niche market group (Atiken. 2014). The theory is applicable to some extent because the work division in the Call Centers is hugely depended on the area of expertise of individual employees and the job roles is defined to each employees respectively (Homles. 2016). According to the researcher, it is right, there are many industries across the world, which require and maintain the application of these ideas as entailed in the question. Moreover, the theory of Scientific Management was introduced more than a Century ago, but the principle of this theory has significant effect in todays world (Atiken. 2014). The principle of rewarding the employees for hard work, proper efficiency in division of work and introduction of new production lines are the golden rules while starting up an enterprise or organization. The proper utilization of this theory and effective application will lead any organization to attain success and growth in the long run (Asyali and Bastug 2014). Thomas Freidman on Globalization: Thomas Freidman in his book The World is Flat has described how the globalization has changed the evolution of communication and how the world has eventually becoming shorter. In this book, Freidman has identified the impact of global economic change due to globalization. Not only the world is becoming flat but also is getting tiny according to Freidman (James and Van Seters 2014). The various risks and drawbacks of living in a flat world they are as follows: Globalization leads towards creating standards of wages and salaries across several countries, but wages and working conditions differ from one country to another. Moreover, the companies decent towards countries where the wages are low that creates workers dissatisfaction. Globalization implements outsourcing of jobs, for example lots of jobs are outsourced from developed nations such as jobs from USA are outsource to other lower wages economies like India and China that creates unemployment in developed countries (Wee. 2013). The most crucial drawbacks of living in a flat world are that economic downfall in one-country spreads easily among several countries that creates worldwide recession and panic. The environment also suffers due to globalization as production move towards countries where there are less restriction and policy about controlling pollution (ONeal. 2014). The iron rule of Freidman is right. According to Freidman, the world is flat and anything can happen to anyone. The only matter of question is whether it will be done by you or to you. Freidman also included that there is no competition between countries. The only competition exists is between you and your imagination. For example if you want to become an entrepreneur you can get a factory in China to manufacture the product, then use online websites like Amazon to take the orders and sell them respectively (Knoester. 2013). The flat world has increased the ability to stimulate new product and services cheaper than ever before. Freidman created a formula known, as CQ + PQ are always greater than IQ. That indicates that Curiosity Quotient and Passion Quotient are always more than Intelligence Quotient (Wee. 2013). The answer of this question is definitely no, as social and cultural differences will remain to prevail between countries. Organizations like Coca Cola, KFC and McDonalds and other brands are everywhere but that does not means that the customers will adopt the same culture. Culture is one of the much deeper superficial signs that is concerned with attitudes, characteristics of an individual (ONeal. 2014). It is very easy to adopt the technologies of the world due to globalization but it is not necessary to adopt the culture too. For example, people have adopted the World Wide Web and other technologies but this does not signifies that they have also adopted the original cultural aspect of it. The use of social media varies from countries to countries and people use it for different purposes all around the world (James and Van Seters 2014). According to Freidman, it is not, necessary to adopt a culture in order to use a technology, as technology is available throughout the world in di fferent places and globalization has shortened the gap between countries with every service is very much available in every corner of the world (Wee. 2013). References: Aitken, H.G., 2014.Scientific Management in Action: Taylorism at Watertown Arsenal, 1908-1915. Princeton University Press. Asyali, E. and Bastug, S., 2014. Influence of scientific management principles on ISM Code.Safety Science,68, pp.121-127. Holmes, L., 2016.Re-Tayloring Management: Scientific Management a Century on. Routledge. James, P. and Van Seters, P., 2014. Global social movements and global civil society: A critical overview.Globalization and Politics, Vol. 2: Global Social Movements and Global Civil Society, p.vii. Knoester, M., 2013. The Flat World and Books about Education Reform.American Journal of Education,119(4), pp.633-639. ONeal, C., 2014. What Does The World Is Flat Mean for Education?: A Closer Look at Our Educational Globe. Uddin, N. and Hossain, F., 2015. Evolution of Modern Management through Taylorism: An Adjustment of Scientific Management Comprising Behavioral Science.Procedia Computer Science,62, pp.578-584. Wee, A.T., 2013. The world is flat?.ACS nano,7(7), pp.5649-5650.

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